Sunday, May 29, 2011

Prince William Ensures Kate Middleton Adjusts To Royalty On Her Own Terms — Even Meeting President Obama!

William’s bucking convention in favor of a happy home with Kate!

Prince William and Kate Middleton are definitely meant for each other, and William is making sure Kate’s happy by ensuring their marriage is not run on the monarchy’s terms!
Many pundits were miffed when the newlyweds met with President Barack Obama and chose not to attend the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace — but attending the formal dinner would have set a precedent of formal behavior they are not interested in upholding, the Daily Mail reports.
“[They did not attend in order to] not to put a strain on Kate, and also to create a helpful precedent; if you don’t turn up for the U.S. President’s dinner, you don’t need to turn up for anyone else’s,” the paper reported.
And despite their new titles as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the couple much prefers quiet life at home, spent making dinner and playing sports.
“After that brief Obama meeting on Tuesday (it is likely that had it been any other head of state, there would have been no meeting at all) they vanished from view once more,” the article read
How considerate of William! Although the overbearing attention is second nature to him, royal procedure must be a new horizon for Kate!

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